What Christians believe ...
Christians believe that a man called Jesus Christ was the Son of God.
They believe that he was born of the Virgin Mary, that he was crucified, died on the cross and rose again before ascending into heaven.
The Church of England is part of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, a church made up of Christians. It worships God, who is Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Our group of parishes in St Weonards benefice lies within the Diocese of Hereford, which is part of the Church of England.
Some people grow up as Christians and continue their faith throughout their lives, others discover a belief at a different time of life.
People can come to faith in many different ways: it may be through a sudden, life-changing experience, or through a gradual building and realisation of God's influence in their lives and a development of their personal Christian faith.
Everyone's faith journey and experience is as unique and as individual as them.
At some points in our lives we find ourselves asking deep questions about our identity, our purpose and our mortality. The need for answers or at least pointers becomes urgent as we try to make sense of our lives, relationships and our work.
Christians believe that every human being is made in the image of God and is loved deeply by God. We believe that each individual is of immeasurable worth despite our failings, our flaws and our inadequacies. We also believe that God has made us to know God in a way that is amazingly fulfilling, liberating and challenging.
Throughout the ages, God has invited us to this life of trust and faith by showing what kind of God he is through the beauty of creation, through the way of life (The Law) which he gave to the Jews, through prophets, and most fully in Jesus of Nazareth, whose whole life and death shows us who God is and what God is like.
We believe Jesus is a perfect image of God because he is God -- God chose to become human and live among us to invite us to a life of faith, hope, joy and peace.
The beginning of faith is to trust in this loving God who knows us more profoundly than we know ourselves.
And from that step a journey that will last a lifetime begins. As we travel, we believe the Holy Spirit will guide and and strengthen us -- leading us to know more and more of God's love.
If you'd like to ask questions, please contact us or, to explore more, why not follow the link to our growing in faith page?