
Loved, just as we are!

19 Sep 2024 • From Bishop Richard Jackson

In this week's video, Bishop Richard considers the second stanza of the Apostles' creed: "We believe in Jesus Christ, [God's] only Son, our Lord."

He refers to the apostle Paul reflecting in Colossians 1:15 that “the Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.” 'Not only that but the possibility is held out that human beings can enter into a similar filial relationship.'

'As we will see in all aspects of the creed, these are truths that have a deep psychological resonance.  We all long to be known and loved as we are.  We long for an unequivocal welcome into family.  In a world like ours where so many relationships end in disappointment leaving a trail of insecurity and hurt behind them, our faith speaks of the possibility of something far more secure and lasting.  Jesus the Son shows us the character and intentions of God the Father, and they are indeed good.'

You can find a transcript of this week's video on the diocesan website.