
Spiritual disciplines

3 Feb 2022 • From Bishop Richard Jackson

As we approach the 70th anniversary of the Queen's accession on 6th February, Bishop Richard reflects on the Christian faith that has been the foundation of her remarkable life of service, and considers how we might work out 'discipleship' in every area of our lives.

'Her Majesty has not developed the character she has overnight, but by 96 years of faithful obedience in the right direction. Christian maturity and Christlikeness doesn’t just happen.... Our growth as disciples will depend on the degree to which we put [spiritual disciplines] into practice and weave them into our everyday lives. Brother Lawrence called it practising the presence of God, seeking to cultivate every day that awareness of the Holy Spirit who lives in the hearts of those who trust Him.'

A full transcript of this week's video is available here. For other transcripts, visit the Bishop of Hereford's Message section of the diocesan website.