In you I am well pleased
13 Jan 2022 • From Bishop Richard Jackson
This week, Bishop Richard reflects on the words from heaven spoken over Jesus at the start of his ministry on earth: “This is my Son, the beloved, in him I am well pleased.” 'These are foundational statements that speak into the age-old human quest for identity, security and significance', says Bishop Richard. For Christians, these words assure us that we are children of our heavenly Father, that we are objects of God's love, and that our value does not depend on our achievements or success.
'These words spoken over Jesus, which God also speaks over us, are the base for ... different living. We move into the world with our fundamental identity clear as God’s children, secure in his love for us no matter what, and a sense of our value just as who we are not based on what we do. The more we can enter into and embrace that reality, the more we will indeed shine with the light of Christ. We live in a world where people struggle with all of these things. Faith in Jesus Christ points to a different way to wholeness and peace. We have good news to share!'
A full transcript of this week's video is available here. For other transcripts, visit the Bishop of Hereford's Message section of the diocesan website.