Advent: a time to reflect
2 Dec 2021 • From Bishop Richard Jackson
Bishop Richard rejoices with those who have been confirmed recently, and reminds us that Advent has always been a season of reflection. As we begin our Advent journey, he encourages us to reflect on those confirmation promises and declarations which could provide an opportunity for our own inward look.
'Turning to Christ is a constant pattern of living, not an initial promise that we forget. Christian maturity is the slow process of submitting more and more or our lives to Christ's direction. Paradoxically this dying to self has always been the Christian way to discover life in all its fulness, not the empty path of self-indulgence.... May the commitment and energy of those who turn to Christ continue as our inspiration and encouragement this Advent.'
A full transcript of this week's video is available here. For other transcripts, visit the Bishop of Hereford's Message section of the diocesan website.