
God loves a cheerful giver!

10 Sep 2020 • From Bishop Richard Jackson

Bishop Richard thinks it's time to 're-spiritualise' the giving conversation.  He says that "we need to see our giving much more as an outworking of our discipleship than perhaps we have hitherto.  We need to think about our attitude to giving before we go into too much detail about amount."

Paul, when writing to the Corinthian church in 1 Corinthians 16:2 said: 'On the first day of every week, each one should set aside a sum of money in keeping with your income, saving it up so that, when I come, no collections need to be made.'

Bishop Richard goes on to point out the challenging principles in this passage about our giving:

1.  It's to be the first call on our money -- not a proportion of what's left after everything else has been spent!
2.  We're to ring-fence our giving -- and Parish Offer contributions go into a Common Fund so that areas of our Diocese can have ministry that they couldn't possibly fund themselves.
3.  It's to be proportional to our income.

Do watch the video to hear Bishop Richard explain this.  And please join us in prayer as we plan for a Gift Day in the St Weonards group of parishes on Sunday 4 October.  Thank you.