Coronavirus update (17 March)
17 Mar 2020 • zzz_Archive
The Corona Virus
Sadly, as you will probably have heard by now, we are instructed by the Government and by the Archbishops to suspend church services from this weekend, Sunday 22nd March. This will include the Palm Sunday walk and the Maundy Thursday supper.
Elizabeth and I are circulating a short ‘DIY’ service to anyone who would like it, which people might enjoy at home, accompanied by a reflection for each Sunday, which is easy enough to do for people who have access to the internet, but more difficult for those who don’t.
You can access this via the St Weonards Benefice website each week.
I remember when I was a child, there was an old gentleman who attended my family’s church. One day, there was some general discussion going on about why people go to church and what they get out of it. The old gentleman (probably not that old, but I was only little, so all adults seemed ancient to me!) listened intently to the various opinions, and then shook his head. Emphatically he announced: “I go to church on a Sunday to meet my FRIENDS!”
So the most important thing we can do, and which EVERYONE can help with, is to combat the loneliness and social isolation which could affect us all, by phoning neighbours for a chat, writing letters and emails, sending photos and exchanging news with each other – and perhaps even sharing the Sunday service with others from a safe distance.
Perhaps we will all make new friends!
Keep well – and keep washing hands!
Revd Dr Frances Phillips, Associate Minister
17 March 2020